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Very good article. Thank you, Whitney! To correct Combs' statement about Owsley Lake, it's not the 'only' water source for the county, just the biggest one. BMU has three other, smaller reservoirs whose watersheds would not be affected by the line. Regardless, I suspect Mr. Combs has been a key mover in helping stimulate other gov folks to the current actions, so, 'bravo zulu' to him. Though these higher-level pushbacks have been slow in coming, we locals who have been fighting the powerline from the beginning are grateful.

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Hi, DJ. The post has now been corrected. Thank you again!

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Hi, DJ. Thank you for commenting. I left comments open for everyone this time. Ordinarily, it's for paying subscribers, so I hope many others will comment, too. That's not Combs' "fault" but mine. I should have double checked it as a fact instead of just a quote. I will update the page after I fact check that. Thanks for alerting me! And let me say for the record here and in another story tk...THIS HAS BEEN 100% GRASS ROOTS!

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